Mega Acedol Semi Tablets
Mega Acedol Semi Tablets Pharmaceutical
Ingredients and content
Acetaminophen 162.5mg
Tramadol HCl 18.75mg

Efficacy · effect Moderate to severe acute , chronic pain
Usage · Dosage
12 years or older children and adults :
Dosage is adjusted according to the patient's pain level and response to treatment.
It is recommended to medicate 4 tablets as the initial dose, and the interval between
medication should be at least 6 hours, but do not exceed 16 tablets a day.
Medicate minimum effective dose  for as short a period as possible.
Do not medicate this medicine for a longer period than necessary,
and if long-term medication is necessary due to the severity of the disease,
regular monitoring should be performed to confirm whether or not to continue to medicate this medicine.
Period of use and storage method
36 months from the date of manufacture , in an airtight container , stored at room temperature (1~30℃) 

Packaging information
30 tablets / bottle , 300 tablets / bottle